“I can’t afford a Dyson,” is a classic nonsense statement that makes life harder than necessary for people with ADHD

Lilo Wellness Dyson ADHD

“I can’t afford a Dyson,” is a classic nonsense statement that makes life harder than necessary for people with ADHD

I know it can be hard to make ends meet, especially in the lead up to Christmas. There are times when spending really isn’t possible and that to stay afloat, let alone get ahead, you need to be disciplined (and that often this isn’t our strong point…) 

BUT, time and time again, many of us deny ourselves things that would make our lives so much easier and then spend money making ourselves feel better because we’re so burnt out.

And Christmas time is precisely when so many of us are more strung out than ever as the work we need to do over and above earning a living increases so much that it can be barely manageable. Which is why it’s also the perfect time to rethink how you manage your load, and most importantly, the value you place on your sanity. And here’s the thing, one thing that often stops us getting help or paying for things that will make our lives easier is that we think of them as luxuries. 

So I’m here to tell you that they’re not, they’re essential for our survival – especially if you’re a working mum, and even more so if you’re caring for kids with additional needs.

We don’t get help (for example a cleaner) because we’ve been programmed to believe that we SHOULD be able to manage and that getting help is extravagant. But we’ll get a recent model iPhone or go on a holiday without thinking twice about it.. 

No-one can survive the crazy load many of us are trying to manage without it impacting our wellbeing. The sexual revolution may have given us the freedom to work but we were duped because as well as working we’re expected to do the lion’s share of housework, childcare and the mental and emotional heavy lifting as well. 

Ever noticed how so much of what’s traditionally women’s work is unpaid or paid very low wages… This is a feminist issue and sadly, women with ADHD come out worse off than most.

The BS gender-based societal expectation – that women must somehow be great mothers, home-makers, career women, cleaners, cooks, launderers, the gift buyers, all with a smile on our face and while looking amazing of course(!) –  leads to us feeling as though we should just be able to manage it all no problem. But when you stop and think about it, it’s absurd!

And when you have a brain-based disorder that makes these expectations even harder to live up to, it can be next level damaging to our physical and emotional wellbeing. 

So enough said. And on a super practical level though, please trust me. Get yourself that Dyson as a Christmas present. It makes vacuuming a joy, and I’m not exaggerating. I no longer put it off, ever.

And if there’s any possible way you can, get that cleaner for yourself in the New Year as well.

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