
Staying cool when the heat is on #4

Staying cool when the heat is on

Practical insights for more flow and less stress
Hi friends,

Before I share some amazing articles, I have some HUGE news!

Over the last few weeks, since my son returned to childcare when lockdown restrictions eased, I have been working like crazy behind the scenes to bring you a program that is designed for this moment in time that I’m super proud of. And it is LIVE!

Reset for more flow and less stress program is a private stress management program to help you juggle your career and everything else.

There’s an amazingly affordable introductory price of 40% off. 😎

This program is designed to support you to go from overwhelm and frantic to having the skills to get on top of the juggle in five short weeks.

Lock-in habits for more calm and flow such as specific relaxation techniques, meditation and gratitude practices once and for all.

Virtual sessions fit with your schedule so you can get all the benefits from the comfort of your own home.

Check out the program and get a taste of what it's like here.

WOO HOO! Happy dance! 💃💃💃

OK, now to some fabulous snippets full of wisdom, inspiration and practical ways to live a life with more peace of mind.

One of the simplest tips for less distractions EVER

A constant theme in all we do here at Lilo is cultivating more presence because it helps us be less stressed, promotes wellbeing and most importantly presence enables us to impact the world around us more in a positive way.

One of the best ways to do this is to get rid of distractions – essential in a world SO full of them.

I was, therefore, somewhat horrified that I had never heard about this tip until very recently!

When you’re on-line on a PC, if you don’t want to be distracted by all the visual noise around the edges of the screen you can hit the F11 key and it all disappears! Then hit it again and it all comes back again.

This works on most systems though I can’t guarantee it will on all. And on some devices, you may need to also press the Fn (Function) key. Fingers crossed it works for you. Let me know how you go.


Your Brain on Meditation

This great article by Kristi Lee Schatz contains a beautifully simple explanation of the what research findings are telling us about the effect of meditation on the brain and importantly, our genes. (Warning - mind-blowing stuff).

“…here is what (this study) found… The relaxation response turns on genes involved in the production of energy by mitochondria, which are the batteries of the cell. The relaxation response suppresses inflammation and turns on genes that dampen oxidative stress. This is analogous to reducing body rust. The relaxation response turns on genes increasing insulin production, which has the potential to result in better blood sugar regulation. The relaxation response also has an anti-aging effect, in that it preserves the ends of your chromosomes called telomeres.”

It also does a great job of delving into how the stories we tell ourselves are paramount when it comes to living our best lives, a little nugget of understanding that is so very powerful so do check it out. 

Who knew that the Civil Rights Movement and the history of self-care were intricately linked?

I am often reminding people that if you’re in a heap on the floor you’re no good to anyone.

At this moment in history, there is so much change that needs to happen and we all play a part. Which is why I found this article by Ariana Huffington,
 What the Civil Rights Movement Can Teach Us About Self-care so inspiring.

Self-care, as Jordan Kisner
wrote in The New Yorker, became “a way to insist to a violent and oppressive culture that you mattered, that you were worthy of care.”

Finally, let's not forget...

Black Lives Matter everywhere

Though the scenes coming out of the US have been incredibly disturbing on many fronts, what is very clear is that the protests are working to produce a much-needed change in terms of institutional racism – at the level of public opinion, business and even in government.

Here in Australia, we are all being reminded that we too have a terrible history of racism and oppression that sadly is not just a thing of the past.

I think it’s worthwhile to also remind ourselves that peace of mind is not something we can achieve if we’re standing by accepting injustice and not playing a role in promoting change.

With this in mind, please have a read of this article by Shannan Dodson that explains
10 ways you can positively engage with Indigenous Australia.
Thanks for sticking with me this far! If you're enjoying these newsletters as much as I enjoy researching and writing them, please consider sharing this one with friends and family. 

And if someone was kind enough to forward this onto you 💛 you can subscribe here

With love and warmth.

Susie x

PS If you have questions about the Reset for more flow and less stress program or any other services Lilo provides you can schedule a call with me here.
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