Want to be well? Consume with care.

Hi *|FNAME|*,

For both our mental and physical wellbeing we must consume with care. My latest blog shares some insights on avoiding consuming 'junk'​, both in terms of information and food, despite the insidious nature with which they can sneak into our diet. Enjoy!

And I also wanted to share a few happy snaps of our latest Hot Springs Day Retreat last week which was a huge success. There's a long list of people interested in coming to the next retreat, so hit reply to let me know if you are also keen so I can keep you posted.

The wellness centre is such a beautiful space for yoga and meditation, and those of the group who were new to yoga were catered for.

And we had a lovely time doing a mindfulness exercise with the clay! Things got a bit ridiculous!

We're looking to take a group tree surfing soon to trial another type of day retreat - it'll still have the stress management workshop, meditation, nature and be a huge amount of fun, but instead of soaking, we'll be surfing in trees here. It's very safe I promise! 

So hit reply to let us know if you're interested in either of these upcoming opportunities. 


Lilo Wellness
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