Staying Cool #9


Staying cool when the heat is on

Practical insights for more flow and less stress

Photo by Katie Moum on Unsplash

Before we get onto the this fortnight's ideas, there's been some issues with the back end of the Lilo mailing list so apologies if you've noticed some strange things happenning lately. If you haven't been receiving newsletters, apologies. There will be an archive on the new Lilo website very soon (I know right, exciting!) Please unsubscribe below if you don't want to receive these emails. 🙏

The power of solitude

It might seem strange to talk about the power of solitude during imposed isolation but the reality for parents is that this time allows for none, or at least very little, which can be just as bad as way too much.

The Groundhog Day effect as we head into week five of stage four lockdown here in Melbourne is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. My brain simply cannot impose a false routine so that the mashed-up days seem to blur into a time-soup broken up only by night and day.

On the one hand, I’m incredibly grateful for the hours upon hours I’m spending with my six-year-old, Harry, and I’m very used to not having much time to myself but I’m definitely valuing the snippets of solitude I have at the end of the long days more than ever.

I’m also getting much more intentional about making them as empty of activity as possible.

And I do realise that isolation is also creating WAY too much solitude for some. It’s the other side of the same coin. Whatever your situation, this pandemic is likely to be amplifying what you’re dealing with.


The productivity paradox

Getting shit done is a necessity that is being made really bloody difficult right now for us working parents. Taking time out from doing is so insanely counter-intuitive but the fact is it’s essential for productivity. 
Just as fallow land is not planted with crops in order to improve the quality of the soil, solitude and inaction nourish our minds to be fertile enough to produce both quantity and quality.

After all, as Mayo Oshin puts it so well in this

“Productivity isn’t about getting more things done, rather it’s about getting the right things done, while doing less.”

Solitude can also be a saviour for fortifying the human spirit. While long walks in the bush might be off the cards right now, what can you do to create moments of solitude? Get a pen and write at least one thing down right now.

Here are my four favourite things I am doing as often as possible:
  • Having a bath at night with lights down low with Epsom salts and essential oils in it - and doing nothing but soaking with my eyes closed
  • Listening to super relaxing music such as this beautiful track by Marconi Union through headphones for 10 minutes lying on my bed at lunchtime while my son is watching a movie
  • Meditate for 10 minutes before he gets up
  • Meditate for 10 minutes after he’s asleep
If you’re new to meditation, here’s a little video that’s approx. five minutes long to help get you started.
Need a hand to lock in some tools to help you get through this time with your mental health intact?  Book a complimentary private Zoom session with me here.
Finally, this article by Melanie Curtin explains that the above-mentioned incredible tune, has been named the most relaxing song in the world by neuroscientists - and the above link is to a 10-hour version of it! 

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And please click reply to share your thoughts and let me know what topics will help you be better at stress.  

With love and warmth,

Suse x

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