
[Re-sent] Staying cool when the heat is on #5 – in case you missed it

Staying cool when the heat is on

Practical insights for more flow and less stress

Photo by Alina Grubnyak on Unsplash

I asked, you answered

Thanks to the reader who suggested less is more as feedback. I couldn't agree more! 

So, as a result, going forward I'll be short and sweet. Cool stuff that's got my attention of late is about...


Forming healthy habits that stick


Forming habits is like lighting a fire. 🔥 The spark is our reason we want something to change, what motivates us internally. But the oxygen comes from the environment. 

If you want to develop a new habit, get really clear on WHY. Then create the context that IGNITES that spark and FEEDS your fire. 🚒

This a great article about
 How to use neuroscience to make habits stick.  Enjoy!
Need a hand developing habits that will help you create a low-stress life?  Book a complimentary private Zoom session with me here.

"If we want to change the story of the human race in the 21st century, we have to change the stories we tell ourselves." Future Crunch

Speaking of bad habits, scrolling in general and particularly bingeing on bad news seems to be the go-to to lose ourselves in these extraordinary times.

The problem with this is that good news doesn't sell. And the increase in news consumption
has been shown to impact our wellbeing

And so, as I do from time to time, I highly recommend you sign up to the
Future Crunch Good News newsletter to make sure you're getting a balanced diet. And what a bonus that the quality of their "reporting" is second to none.

At Lilo, we live and breathe making conscious choices and in no other area of our lives is it more important than what and how much info we consume. 

As always, I'd be so grateful if you'd share these nuggets by forwarding this to people you think would love it and on your socials using the buttons below. 🙏 

And let me know what topics will help YOU be less stressed.  

With love and warmth,

Susie x

PS If you've been sent this newsletter by someone else you can sign up
Lilo Wellness
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