
Newsletter March 2020 (copy 01)

There is a lot happening now that the year is well and truly underway - we'll get to our news in a moment.

But firstly, I'd like to share that which is so dear to my heart right now. The key message at the moment is simple - do what elevates you! Grant yourself permission to do the things you LOVE often.

Ask yourself this question "Do I feel guilty making time for myself to do the things I love?" If the answer is yes, please remember that when you do the things you love you are contributing to your wellbeing so you can justify it by making it part of your wellness regime. (Like we should need to justify this... and the word regime really is too much isn't it!?)

Now, get your diary out and schedule your dance lesson/writing/gardening sess. (I have started dance lessons this year and it is the BEST) and start to see these things as an absolutely necessary part of your life.

I'm truly fascinated by this idea of permission. I mean WTF? Why do we need permission to be kind to ourselves?

I had a very enlightening private session with a single parent who manages a business recently and when I suggested she write more to help reduce stress, she said: 

"Oh, I always feel guilty when I write. I didn't think of it as something that was good for me." And she and I were both struck by how crazy it is that once I gave her permission to write for pleasure instead of just for work, all of a sudden she could enjoy this stress-relieving activity guilt-free!

Writing, reading, pottery, fire twirling, whatever it is you love - do it, often, and don't feel guilty about it.

If you'd like to find out more about the private "Stress management strategy" and "Meditation and mindfulness 101" sessions we offer, schedule a call with me to find out more.

Photograph: Alex Tihonov/PR

Self-care is not the be-all and end-all 

You may be somewhat surprised to read this. However, I have recently changed my mind about this interesting idea.

Self-preservation I am absolutely in favour of and inspiring people who are under the pump to care for themselves as they would a cherished loved one is the backbone of all we do here at Lilo, but even more important is the idea of community or collective care. 

Read our latest blog to find out more about this fascinating topic. I hope it inspires you to reach out to others more for help and to contribute whenever you can.  

Feedback from Workshops

If you're thinking about running some stress management training in your workplace - either onsite or perhaps in a local park - and are interested in the types of results we get, read on.

"The work we do can be so heavy. This is so helpful as it has reminded me to be more aware when I focus on the negative and make a concerted effort to notice the good things." 

"The feedback from the team was that they really enjoyed the workshop! I could see some of them were already implementing those breathing techniques!" 

'The workshop series really kickstarted me to prioritise my wellbeing like I never had before."

And my absolute favourite...

"I organise things differently since doing the workshop series, as a rule, now I go home on time every day and staying back is the exception. I leave the office at lunchtime. I spend more time qualifying what work actually needs to be done so that realistic deadlines are set. I have more energy on the weekends now so I can spend more time with family & friends and have very busy weekends getting out and about instead of spending the weekend lying on the sofa recovering from my week at work."

If you'd like to find out more about Lilo's workshops schedule a call with me to find out more.
Help restore biodiversity at Westgate Park

Want to do something positive to help tackle climate change with your family? Come to and plant indigenous plants and help restore the biodiversity at Westgate Park, close to Melbourne CBD. 

The next planting day is on:

Saturday the 21st of March
From 10.30 AM - 1.00 PM

For more info and to sign up go here.

You will hear about other ways you can help tackle climate change and it is a wonderful way to help our children feel more hopeful about the future.  

And one a positive note, this article describes an incredible project that plans to use planes to plant 1 billion trees a year with seed bombs!  
Lastly, I had a massive chat to the completely gorgeous Sherry from Brainy Box about my favourite topics; the completely life-changing effects of becoming more mindful, enough sleep, and how to survive the most challenging times without going completely insane.

Check out the latest Behind the Bbox podcast here!

And if you are sick of stodgy muffins and the like at meetings and work/events I seriously suggest you check out: https://www.brainybox.com.au

Any thoughts or queries, don't hesitate to email me at susie@lilowellness.com.au or to find out about any of Lilo's services click here to schedule a 20-minute chat at a time that suits you.

With warmth, 


Lilo Wellness
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